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5th – 7th of July
30th of June – 2nd of July

International Jazz in the Park Competition
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5th – 7th July, 2024

Organizer: Fapte Muzicale SRL & Fapte Association
The competition: International Jazz in the Park Competition
Purpose: The International Jazz in the Park Competition aims to identify, promote and support young jazz artists suitable for festivals and live concerts.

Art fields
The International Jazz in the Park Competition is open to all bands that play in the style generically called JAZZ (find here the list of all genres accepted in the competition).

Competition context presentation
The competition is held in the form of an open air festival. In this event, public access is free and in addition to the actual concerts in the competition, other activities take place in the event location, including concerts with other bands not participating in the competition. Our desire is to create a context as authentic as possible, a proper festival.
The competition stage will be one of the stages in the event and will host 4 performances per day. The concerts of a special guest who will close the day of the event will take place on a different stage.
Despite the fact that each concert will be reviewed by our jury of industry experts, it is the expectation of the organizers that the participating bands will behave like in any other festival, with an emphasis on artistic performance and interaction with the audience at the event, rather
than perform for the jury.

Period of the competition
– Registration in the competition: January 25 – March 10, 2024
– Communication of preselection results: April 1st, 2024
– Live performances competition in the presence of the jury: July 5- 7, 2024
– Awarding of prizes: July 7, 2024

Participants in the competition must comply with the terms and conditions of this Competition Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”). The regulation is available, free of charge, to any interested person, on the competition webpage ( Additional information can be requested at [email protected]. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Regulation, subject to prior notification, at least one (1) working day before the date of entry into force of the changes.

Eligible participants
The International Jazz in the Park Competition is open to all bands that play in the style generically called JAZZ (find here the list of all genres accepted in the competition). “Band” means an artist group consisting of at least two instrumentalists, regardless of the instruments they play.
The members of the registered bands must be between 16 and 35 years old at the time of the Jazz in the Park Competition (July 5, 2024). Exceptionally, only one member of the band may be over 35 years old.

Registration in the competition
Registration in the competition is done on the website continuously until March 10, 2024.

  • Documents required for registration in the competition:
    – Registration form filled in online on the website
    – Band biography
    – Video recording (minimum 2 minutes) of at least one representative piece for the band, performed live. The demo (live video recording of the band) must be uploaded to Youtube and reflect the current composition of the band. The actual (technical) quality of the recording is not a judging criterion, but the participants are encouraged to submit materials of the highest possible quality so that the judgment of the jury members is not flawed. Also, the circumstances in which the recording was made (live concert, rehearsal space, etc.) are not important. The video recording cannot be older than January 1, 2022.
    – The band’s recorded songs (min. 1 – max. 3), in addition to the video recording. These can be in mp3 format or as a link to the platforms used by the band (Spotify, Itunes, etc.)
    – Press/ Promo kit including group pictures with the band. We highly recommend recent pictures with no branding elements in them. All the artists in your band must appear in the pictures. Both studio and concert pictures are accepted.

Adding other members after registration in the competition is prohibited without notifying and obtaining the consent of the organizers. Changing more than one third of the group members is also prohibited without notifying and obtaining the consent of the organizers. If they reach the final, the members who take the stage of the International Jazz in the Park Competition on July 5-7, 2024 must be those who registered and appear in the video or those who were subsequently admitted by the jury. Otherwise, the band will be disqualified.
Finalists will have to send to the Organizer copies of the identity cards of the band members, as well as a group photo, with the current composition of the band.

Finalists will have to fill in and sign a Letter of Commitment confirming their participation in the 2024 Jazz in the Park Competition between July 5 – 7, the availability of all band members to participate in the formula presented during registration, as well as the express acceptance of the conditions of this competition regulation.
The finalists will be required to sign a copyright form, releasing legal ownership of their performance at the International Jazz in the Park Competition. The sole purpose of this article is for the organizers to obtain the local music license for the event from the Romanian Musical Performing and Mechanical Rights Society.
Nor the performance or the tracks will be used to create any kind of commercial materials before or after the competition.
If the Artist fails to appear at the Competition or cancels participation for reasons attributable to him/her (except in cases of force majeure, illness or other incapacity of the Artist certified by a medical professional) he/she must pay the Organizer damages in proportion to the damages caused, set at the value of 1,000 euros.
The Organizer reserves the right to refuse the participation of a band on the grounds of inconsistency with the conditions of participation.
By filling in and submitting this form, participants agree that their personal data will be processed and stored by the Fapte Association in order to carry out the International Jazz in the Park Competition, according to the personal data processing policy in this regulation.
All contestants must read and accept the Regulation before entering the competition. Failure to comply with the rules and conditions provided in the Regulation will lead to points deduction in the competition or disqualification.
By submitting the registration form, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the Regulation. The participants declare on their own responsibility that they have the right to enter the artistic projects/bands in the competition and that they are the authors and owners of
the copyrights of such artistic projects.
For the projects declared winners, the organizers reserve the right to present those projects/artworks without any additional financial obligation within the 2024 edition of the Jazz in the Park Competition project, in any other type of public presentation, promotional, press or media materials, for non-commercial purposes and in connection with the Jazz in the Park projects, in current and future editions.

Announcement of selection results

Each candidate will receive the confirmation or refusal, respectively the official invitation to participate in the competition (where applicable), by April 4, 2024 at the latest. Following the preselection, the first 12 bands in the ranking will be invited to participate in the final in Cluj-Napoca (July 5 – 7, 2024).

Final – Live performance
Each selected band will perform in an event (live final) organized during the period July 5 – 7, 2024 in Cluj-Napoca on the stages dedicated to the event in the Central Park. By filling in the registration form, the band confirms the time availability of all band members for the entire duration of the International Jazz in the Park Competition.
In the live, open air competition, the band will give a recital of minimum 30 minutes and maximum 45 minutes in front of the jury and the audience. Instrumentals or DJ & voice formulas are not accepted. All bands must perform live. Covers or re-orchestrated songs or versions are allowed.
By filling in the registration form, the band confirms the time availability of all band members for the entire duration of the International Jazz in the Park Competition.
The organizers reserve the right to change the dates of events, to cancel or combine performances in case of unfavorable weather or other events that prevent the project from proceeding.
Documents required for participating in the competition and collecting the prizes:

● Letter of commitment, signed by the representative of the artist group, confirming the availability of all band members during the Jazz in the Park Competition, as well as the express acceptance of this regulation.
● Consent form regarding the processing of personal data, filled in and signed by each member of the band.
● Copies of the identity cards/passport of each member of the participating band.
● Tax residence certificate (only for bands whose members do not reside in Romania) for the band representative, in the case of bands declared winners. As it may take up to 30 days for the tax residence certificate to be issued by the national tax authorities, we recommend that it be requested together with the confirmation of participation in the Jazz in the Park final, so that the prizes can be paid immediately after the competition.
● Prize awarding protocol, filled in, signed and assumed by the legal representative of the band (in the case of bands declared winners)
● Transport expense account, and the supporting documents according to the provisions of this regulation.
● Travel insurance and medical insurance for all band members, valid for the entire period of stay in Romania. The costs of travel and medical insurance are fully borne by the participating bands. The Organizer reserves the right to request proof of the travel and medical insurance.

Participation in the International Jazz in the Park Competition is free of charge.

If the artist/band is not from the city of Cluj-Napoca, the transport from the city of residence to Cluj-Napoca and back will be settled by the organizers of the competition within the limit of 2,000 lei per band for bands from Romania, respectively 1,000 euros per band for bands from abroad. In order to settle transport expenses, the participants will submit supporting documents from the project period, such as: transport ticket, fuel receipt with the mention of the tax identification code of the organizer (Fapte Association, TIC 31425230), tax invoice issued in the
name of the Fapte Association, other similar documents.
Invoices whose beneficiaries are members of the artist group, any other legal entities than the Fapte Association, fuel receipts that do not indicate the TIC of the Fapte Association or indicate an incorrect TIC, any other documents that do not comply with the legal provisions in force are not accepted for settlement. The transport expense settlement can be made from the time when the bands can provide supporting documents and fill in the form of the transport expense account, but no later than July 25, 2024. The statement form will be accompanied by the original supporting documents. The expense account form will be sent by email to [email protected], as well as by mail to the Fapte Association, str. Franz Liszt 28A, ap. 2, Cluj-Napoca or delivered to the organizers on the last day of the competition.

Accommodation and meals

During the participation in the contest, the organizers provide accommodation (3-star
classification) free of charge to the members of the bands who are not from Cluj-Napoca for a maximum of three nights, to be selected by each band, including the day of the competition. 
During their stay in Cluj-Napoca, participants will be provided with the main meals,  according to their arrival/departure. All members of the bands who reside in Cluj-Napoca will benefit from a meal voucher on the day of the concert.

Guaranteed fee
Each finalist band benefits from a guaranteed fee of 1,000 euros net, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment. The payment of the guaranteed fee is made within 7 working days of the performance (the day of the concert), based on the submission of the Tax Residence Certificate (in the case of foreign artists).

The sound tests will be organized on the same day as the competition, in the same venue, each band will have 30 minutes for the sound test (load in not included) before the concert. Each band has the right to bring its own sound engineer, provided this is specified in the technical rider sent to the organizers before the event. If the band brings its own sound engineer, the audio mixer to be used by the band will be the one provided by the festival. Audio mixers brought by bands are not accepted. All these details will be announced at least 14 days before the date on which each band will compete.
The Organizer will provide a high quality sound and lighting system, which will be used free of charge by all bands and will provide a complete backline: complete drum set, 1 x guitar amplifier, 1 x bass amplifier and 1 x keyboard (88 keys – type Nordstage 2 or 3), microphones, monitor speakers and backline equipment, as well as all sound and lighting engineers, including support staff. The stages in Central Park have the following dimensions: 8x6x8 meters. If the band needs more backline equipment, it must communicate this detail at least 30 days before the start of the competition, and the organizers will then present the existing options.
Band members will be able to use any personal instrument such as guitar, bass, keyboards, any effects pedals, etc. Drummers can bring their own snare drum, kick drum pedal, drum sticks or cymbals.
The bands must send at least 30 days before the final a technical specification in which they indicate whether they have special requirements compared to those set out in this Regulation.
All bands are required to use the same backline and drums provided by the organizers.
Keyboards and any other special equipment – other than personal instruments such as guitars – will be placed on stage before the concerts begin and will remain there until the end.

To minimize band changing time, bands with left-handed drummers will play either at the beginning or at the end of the show. All bands must strictly follow the instructions given by the organizers and the delegated stage manager.

The order of entering the competition will be established by the organizers and announced at least 7 days before the day of the competition. The order of the concerts of the 12 finalist bands will be determined by drawing lots, after all the finalist bands confirm their participation in the competition. The announced order can be modified, in case of force majeure, only by the Organizer.

The jury of the preselection and the final conducts its work according to the Competition Regulation, respecting the spirit of the Statute of the World Federation of International Music Competitions.
The preselection of the bands that qualify for the final rests with the organizers, who are
represented by:
– Alin Vaida – Festival President
– Horea Marc – Stage Manager.

Preselection criteria:
– the quality of the performance
– the originality of the performance
– the compatibility of the artists’ music with the specifics of an open air festival.
The jury for the final will differ from the jury of the preselection and will be announced later by the organizers.
The judging criteria, the final stage based on which the winners will be determined, are:
– performance quality;
– group cohesion;
– originality;
– stage presence
– compliance with organizational specifications (punctuality, duration of soundchecks, duration of the live performance)


The judging of each band will be done according to the previously mentioned criteria. Each criterion has a different weight, as follows:
– Performance quality – weight * 3
– Group cohesion – weight * 2
– Originality – weight * 2
– Stage presence – weight * 1
– Organizational specifications – weight * 2
For each criterion, the judges will award grades from 1 to 10. The weighted average, namely the final grade, is calculated as follows: 
(Quality grade * 3 + Cohesion grade * 2 + Originality grade * 2 + Stage presence grade * 1 + Organizational grade * 2) / 10 = Final grade.
The grades will be centralized from all the judges and a ranking will be drawn up. In case of a tie, the decision of the presiding judge is decisive. The jury decides the winners for each section of the competition. The jury’s decisions are final. During their participation in the competition, candidates are prohibited from contacting the members of the jury.

The jury decides the prizes to be awarded in each section of the Competition based on the criteria presented in point IX. The jury reserves the right not to award one or more prizes, as well as to award special prizes, other than those mentioned in this regulation. The prizes awarded in each section of the competition are indivisible. No exemption from this rule is granted.
(Gross) Value of the prizes
1st prize: 5,000 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment, and the invitation to perform at the Jazz in the Park Festival during the period August 30 -September 1st, 2024 (contract in the amount of 1,500 euros net, accommodation and transport)
2nd prize: 3,000 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment.
3nd prize: 1,000 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment.
Best Romanian act: 1,000 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment.
Most valuable composition award: 500 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment.
Three (3) best musician honorable mentions: 500 euros gross, at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment.
Audience award: musical products and services offered by sponsors.

– Prizes may be cumulative.
– The organizer reserves the right to extend the invitation for taking part in the Jazz in the Park Festival (August 30 – September 1st) to more than one band.
– After the end of the final stage of the Competition, the necessary procedures will be carried out between the organizers and the winners, until August 15, 2024 at the latest.
– The total financial prizes are worth 25,500 euros (representing the guaranteed fees for the finalist bands, respectively the amounts for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, best romanian act, the most valuable composition and the best musician honorable mentions.
– Special prizes will be added during the organization, representing products and services offered by sponsors, respectively concerts at the events/venues of Jazz in the Park partners.
– In the case of bands outside of Romania, the payment of prizes will only be possible after the submission of a Tax Residence Certificate from the country of origin, according to the legislation in force on the date of publication of this Regulation. Given that the issuance of such a certificate can take up to 30 days, we encourage bands to request the tax residence certificate at the time of confirmation of their participation in the competition.

The organizers of the International Jazz in the Park Competition reserve the right to televise, broadcast, photograph, film and record on audio-video media all the performances in the event. Audio recordings can be the subject of audio recording to be used in subsequent editions of the project.

As part of the 2024 International Jazz in the Park Competition project, the FAPTE ASSOCIATION processes your personal data provided directly and through the competition registration form.
The personal data processed are the following: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, home/residence address, identity card series and/or number, social security number, bank details, your position/capacity in relation to the controller (volunteer, member/staff, journalist, guest, artist, representative of a contractor/sponsor/public authorities/institutions, jury, etc.), biometric data – photos, video recordings, social media profile/website.
The legal grounds for the processing of such data are: your prior and explicit consent, the performance of a contract or for the purpose of concluding a contract, for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the competition organizer or a third party, except in cases where the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the natural persons concerned prevail over these interests, as well as in order to comply with a legal obligation or to protect the vital interests of a natural person.
The processing of personal data is carried out with the aim of registering the bands in the competition, awarding prizes, concluding copyright contracts, drawing up participation lists and the like, promoting the events and activities of the Competition. Your refusal determines the impossibility of entering the International Jazz in the Park Competition.
Personal data are kept for the duration of the competition, but not more than 3 years from the end date of the project.
We review the collected data every year, analyzing to what extent their retention is necessary for the stated purposes, your legitimate interests or the fulfillment of legal obligations by the Controller. Data that is no longer needed will be deleted.
The Controller communicates your personal data to public entities/authorities (Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, National Agency for Fiscal Administration, Police, Courts, Prosecutors, City Hall, Local Council, County Council, Ministries, etc.) and other institutions that may claim
access to such information under the law.
We do not transmit your data to third countries or international organizations, except in situations where the existing collaboration relationship requires this.
With regard to personal data, you have the following rights:
The right to information – you can request information on the processing of your personal data, on the identity of the controller and its representative or on the recipients of your data;
The right to rectification – you can rectify inaccurate personal data or supplement such data;
The right to data erasure – you can obtain the erasure of data, if their processing was not legal or in other cases provided by the law;
The right to restriction of processing – you can request the restriction of processing if you  dispute the accuracy of the data, as well as in other cases provided by the law;
The right to object – you can object, in particular, to data processing based on the legitimate interest of the Controller;
The right to data portability – you may receive, under certain conditions, the personal data you have provided to us in a machine-readable format or you can request that such data be transmitted to another controller;
The right to file a complaint and to address the courts – you can file a complaint against the personal data processing method with the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data and/or you can address the courts for compliance with your rights;
The right to withdraw consent – where the processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw it at any time. The withdrawal of consent will have effects only for the future, the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal will remain valid;
The right not to be subject to automated decisions or additional profiling related to automated decisions: you can ask for and obtain human intervention regarding such processing or you can express your own point of view regarding this type of processing.
To exercise these rights, you can send a written, dated and signed request to the following contact details:
• Surname, first name: Denisa Dan
• Telephone: +40 725.916.000
• E-mail: [email protected]
• Correspondence address: Concursul Internațional Jazz in the Park, str. Franz Liszt,
nr.28A, ap.2, postal code 400696, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

We comply with the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and implement technical and organizational measures to protect all operations directly or indirectly related to personal data, which prevent unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as accidental or illegal
loss or destruction.
We do not use personal data for automated processing or for profiling. We never make automated decisions about you. We use technical means to store data in secure conditions. We do not process data for secondary purposes incompatible with the purposes for which we
collected them.

The organizer has the right to unilaterally change the implementation of the 2024 International Jazz in the Park Competition, under the following aspects: (1) the number of performances, i.e. by decreasing or increasing it, (2) its venue and/or date, (3) the extent of the competition or the performances, (4) the number of participants (audience) or contestants or (5) the nature of the event and the activities carried out within the event.
Participants understand and accept that with regard to (1) the specific date and venue of the performances, (2) the period of the performances, (3) the artistic activities that can be carried out or (4) regarding other organizational aspects, changes may appear, generated both by the internal organization of the Organizer, and by factors external to the parties (severe weather phenomena, orders of public authorities/institutions, of private entities involved in the events, changes in legislation, limitations imposed by epidemics, diseases, restrictions on the movement of people, risks of spread of diseases or epidemics, force majeure or any other
limitations imposed by public or local authorities for security and public health reasons). Such changes will not affect the validity of the commitment assumed by the participants, who irrevocably undertake to comply with the changes made. The Organizer has the right to unilaterally cancel the competition or the performances, in whole or in part, before or during the competition or performances, as well as the right to restrict the participation of the Artist, of one or several band members during any of the competition stages. Such provisions will only be justified in situations such as severe weather phenomena, orders of public authorities/institutions, of private entities involved in the events, changes in legislation, limitations imposed by epidemics, diseases, restrictions on the movement of people, risks of spread of diseases or epidemics, force majeure or any other limitations imposed by public or local authorities for security and public health reasons.
By way of derogation from the rules established above regarding the expenses borne by the Organizer, in situations where there is a change in the commitment, the conditions of the competition (art. 1.1 and art. 1.2) or when the contest or performances are canceled in whole or in part (art. 1.3), the Organizer will not be required to bear any expenses incurred by the Artist, the band or their members in consideration of the contest, as well as any material or moral loss, past, present or future, suffered in this context. In situations where the competition is canceled, the Organizer will be allowed to reschedule it at a later date to be communicated to the contestants.
In situations where the Competition is modified, canceled or prematurely terminated, including in the case of the Organizer’s impossibility, for reasons beyond its control, to continue the Competition, the Organizer will not be liable to fulfill any obligation undertaken in relation to the contestants, nor will the Organizer be liable to pay any amount as compensation or the like.

Any disputes arising between the Organizer, on the one hand, and the contestants, on the other hand, will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be settled by the court of competent jurisdiction, in accordance with common law. The applicable law is the Romanian law. In case of inconsistencies between the Romanian and English texts, the Romanian version of this Regulation will prevail.

For more clarifications or details, you can contact us at [email protected]

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