This year, judging was truly a challenge. All the artists managed to create a special connection with the audience and make us dance. At the same time, they proved their talent and passion for music.
The jury appreciated both the artists’ technique and their ability to captivate the audience. It was difficult to choose the winners, but now let’s hear directly from the judges about their experience and the impressions the competition left on them.

ELENA MÎNDRU (vocalist and composer, one of the most valuable representatives of European jazz)
This year was a mature and intense competition. A very varied line-up made judging difficult, but ultimately a unanimous idea about the winners emerged. I would give the public in Cluj, who was amazing, also an award. They Listened! And I’m sure they discovered new voices, as well as us, the jury. It was so pleasant to see so many people with children dancing and listening to live music in the parc. This nice and creative atmosphere transformed Central Parc into a Wonderland, it seemed like we weren’t even in the center of Cluj. I am very proud of Jazz in the Park Competition 2024.
BOGDAN ROȘCA-ZASMENCU (director la Radio Cluj, jurnalist și pasionat de jazz)
We had to judge 13 carefully selected band from….246 applications. 246! A huge number, because, don’t forget, we are talking about jazz, a niche music genre. The last day was the hardest day of judging. We had five bands that simply delighted us and made us think. We already had an intermediate ranking after the first two days, but we knew it wouldn’t hold. There were interesting names in front of us, so we had to choose in the end the “cherry on top’. I leave the park happy and satisfied. I am truly lucky to do what I love. To be in the middle of music. To have had the chance to debate musically with Teodor Pop (JazzyBIT), Elena Mîndru, and Horea Marc.

TEODOR POP (leader and pianist of the band JazzyBIT from Timișoara)
I am glad to see the value of the contestants and the Jazz in the Park competition growing year by year. For me, all the artists present are already winners simply by passing a preselection with over 240 applying bands and having the opportunity to present their compositions in an international festival atmosphere to a warm and wonderful audience like that of Cluj. From the jury’s perspective, I consider my role to be primarily to encourage and help emerging artists and bands. It was very difficult to make an objective selection and distinction this year, because my colleagues in the jury and I, want the artists present in the competition to feel that their work is fully appreciated. Often, advice, feedback, an article about the artist, or even the experience of participating in the competition can have the same values as a prize or a mention.
HOREA MARC (jury president and stage manager of Jazz in the Park since the festival’s inception)
I think I’d like to start by saying a few words about the selection process. It was extremely hard work, many of the 246 bands had a high level of performance, with relatively similar interpretative qualities, making it difficult to differentiate between many of them. For me, I felt a high level of pressure throughout the selection period; it’s hard to be relaxed when you know you can significantly influence a band’s early career. For us as the jury, I think the reward came during the competition. We realized the selection was successful as it became increasingly difficult to evaluate the bands in the competition. I am very pleased to say that we had a competition that could (almost) serve as a festival line-up. The winners of the Jazz in the Park Competition 2024 were fabulous, and many bands were considered for second and third place, leading to complicated decisions. I had the opportunity to discover some phenomenal instrumentalists, which led us to increase the number of awards. I know that all of the above is already known by those who were in the park or who read the festival reviews, but I wanted to reiterate it to emphasize the quality this competition has reached. I have been involved in its organization from the beginning, and I’ve seen how tough the early years were, how much patience and determination the organizers needed to get through the less successful editions. I am thoroughly convinced that the Jazz in the Park Competition can rival any similar competition in Europe. I congratulate the team behind the competition for everything they have achieved, for the attention they show to young people. Their care for the future is more than a beautiful gesture; it is also important for the public and fans of this style. I feel extraordinary, it was an intense experience, and I hope that we, the jury, managed to live up to the level of those we had the pleasure to listen to. I’m still applauding!

So are we, Horea! We are still applauding the bands, the special artists, the people, and the competition team. What a beautiful bedition! We can’t wait to see you next year, in 2025.