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Talking to Mădălina Pavăl

We met Mădălina last year. Her then-manager contacted us, asking if we wanted to include her in the festival, and we said yes because we love having Romanian artists at the festival, especially those who seem “fresh” to us. However, a couple of months before the festival, Mădălina performed with her orchestra in Cluj, and we went to see her.

And what a surprise we had! The feeling we experienced was similar to the one we had when we were children and someone read us a story. It was a beautiful journey, like a fairytale, where you wanted to see what happened next but didn’t want it to end. After the last piece, it was hard to listen to anything else, like when you eat something delicious and don’t want the taste to disappear. We liked them.

Immediately, we decided to give their concert a better slot. We somehow felt that they would be a great opening act for Asaf Avidan. And we were right! I think it was one of the best performances of last year’s edition.

So we invited Mădă once again to Jazz in the Park, but this time in the central park, with free admission, so that as many people as possible could see her. And we sat with her, sharing stories, to give you an idea of what to expect. Here’s the story:

  • First of all, with its ups and downs, tell us about your experience last year at JiP. How did you like the place, how did you feel the audience? Also, did you manage to take a tour of the festival? What did you see?


I’m Mădă, and I fondly remember last year’s experience, wow, it was intense. It was my first festival where I came and stayed for all the days, attended all the concerts, and saw everything to the extent that I could divide myself between stages. I savored every artist and collected all the emotions for when we took the stage :))) I felt completely part of the landscape, and the most interesting part, the most intense emotion I felt, was that we performed on the same stage as artists whom I admire so much.

Our concert was like a dream with the rain stopping, with the sun setting and with us eagerly awaiting such a large audience to discover our music. I saw people who surely didn’t know us, and after the first few songs, they were already dancing with us.

  • How was 2022 for you? You released the album “Roiesc” and traveled across the country with it. How do you feel the album resonated with the public?

“I love to ROIESC. That’s how I feel, that’s how I live” – that’s the spirit of the album, walking on unbeaten paths in search of our stories. We created a few myths with elements from the cosmos and nature, putting them into verses for enchanting and dancing. I really enjoy folklore and old sayings, and my values are deeply rooted in time, but we create new songs inspired by ourselves, by who we are in the present. I believe that’s why so many people resonated with us. It’s something that belongs to us as a nation. We performed on small and large stages from Deva to Iași, from Cluj to Bucharest, and everywhere I felt that I managed to connect with people. There’s a reason why I call it “worldly music”: it sounds like the places where we drew our sap from – Bukovinian, Moldovan, South-Danubian, and Balkan, just like all of Romania.

“Roiesc” still has many stories to tell, and right now we’re preparing to release a music video for the song “Nu ai nume” (You Have No Name) – our songs also have a social dimension, and we want to make it heard.

3. You performed at Jazz in the Park, but you also played at Electric Garden. You’ve been in Atelier (Cluj) and various philharmonic halls. You have a versatile musical style and fit well in many places. But where do you enjoy the most? What’s the vibe in which you feel the best?

All our concerts have concepts adapted depending on the mood we want to create or the city we are in. We even change the stage design if we can afford it. In other words, we love to “play.” We enjoy performing outdoors the most, but from experience, we’ve seen that we also fit well by a campfire or the hearth for a very small audience. We use what we have and project what we want.

It’s music for strolling in the hills but also for a festival show, and I’ll always be barefoot. :X

4. What music do you listen to?

Hmm. That’s a tough question. I listen to a lot of instrumental and diverse music. I really like Georgian music. Honestly, I listen to music without vocals because when I work, it’s very hard for me to concentrate otherwise. In my head, the question arises: “How did they do that with their voice?” – I could say it’s a professional flaw. :)))

5. Now you have a tough mission. Tell us which contestant you’re rooting for in the festival competition?

Oh, I don’t think I should get involved, but if you ask me, I’m rooting for Andrei Petrache Trio. They are one of us, and they are really talented. Philip, the percussionist in the trio, also completes our orchestra. He’s a colorful guy.

Thank you, Mădălina, for the stories, and see you in the park!

I can’t wait. Thank you for the questions; they helped me transport myself there for a bit.

Mădălina Pavăl Orchestra will perform on the 30th of June, at 22:00, on the main stage from our beloved Central Park! See you there!

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