About Us
Our organization is called Fapte.
Founded in Cluj-Napoca in 2012, Fapte organizes cultural events with an impact on the community. Our objectives are to promote art – especially music – to a wide audience, to redefine public spaces or spaces of significance within a city and, last but not least, to promote positive values around us. We strongly believe in the power of events to shape a community, and we greatly cherish the power of music to unite people, no matter how different they may be.
Our flagship project is Jazz in the Park.
In addition to this, we also organize Music Gallery and Pop-up Jazz Club. Furthermore, we sometimes collaborate with external clients. We know how to do anything in the field of events, and we confidently engage in below-the-line projects, activations within festivals, presentation materials, attracting sponsorships, crowdfunding strategies, and much more.
Challenge us with an email at: salut@fapte.org!