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Day 1: On Listening, Artists, and the London Sound

When life gives you a great spot in nature, you make it even better!

How? With good music and beautiful people!

That’s what you’ll find this year at the twelfth edition of Jazz in the Park: nature as only a warm late August can offer, and tunes that will transport you to all corners of the world. The atmosphere here is like a Sunday afternoon: peaceful and with plenty of sunshine. After taking in all the festival has to offer, you realize you’re smiling ear to ear, with that toothy grin zou used to have in your childhood photos (thanks to the friendly dogs you’re sure to meet along your stroll through the park).

Suddenly, all your senses sharpen, and you do something you haven’t done in a while: you listen. What do you hear? A saxophone? Dogs? Bass? Rain? Leaves?

Welcome to the Ethnographic Park, it’s been waiting all year to serenade you!



On the Porch with Postmodern Jukebox

The first day of the festival began on the porch, where we watched a fascinating interview with three members of Postmodern Jukebox: Tia Simone (vocals), Rogelio Douglas Jr. (vocals), and Adam Kubota (bass). Beyond their charisma, inspiration, and contagious laughter that filled the courtyard, the three amazed us with their stories. They reminded us of the complexity of an artist’s journey, something we often forget. Watching them, we were reminded of how important it is to discover the artist beyond the performance, costumes, and show.

The porch discussion created a unique and authentic connection between the artists and the audience, which was palpable during their concert.



Next Stop: London, with oreglo

Saying I was eager to see oreglo’s concert would be an understatement. They’ve been my soundtrack for the past few weeks, and they brought to Cluj exactly what I hoped to see: the atmosphere of a small jazz club in London. Their concert was authentic, it felt like I was attending a band rehearsal or a jam session.

Their sound is something special. The guitar amazed me with every solo, the drums are funky, the keys radiate good vibes, and the tuba adds that je-ne-sais-quoi. Linus Barry (guitar), Nicco Rocco (drums), C-sé (keys), and Teigan Hastings (tuba) reminded me that jazz and my generation get along very well.



I ended the evening with a stroll through the festival, taking notes on what I want to experience over the next two days. You’ll definitely find me on the porch again, at the vinyl fair, or in the apple orchard. Let’s see what Day 2 of the festival has in store for us.

Written by Iulia Preda, Communication Volunteer

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